Serving since 1993
BRNC Certificate
A Business Register Number is basically like an ID document for businesses. If you wish to register your vehicle under your business name, you need to apply for a BRNC (Business Register Number Certificate). At Cathy’s, we can assist with the documentation needed as well as the Q4You service.
If you don’t have any vehicles registered and want to apply for a New BRNC Certificate
- Clear copy of Company Proxy identity document (needs to be the original size)
- Proof of Company address (utility bill or Bank Statement) not older than 3 months
- If the utility bill is not in your name, the owner of the bill must make an affidavit declaring that you live at the address and the utility bill must be attached to the affidavit.
- If the company is on home premises a company letterhead must be attached stating the owners of said premises along with their identity document copy and proof of address
- Certificate of Incorporation (CIPC Company Registration) CK1 or CK2 or COR39
- SARS Document confirming VAT number of the Company
- Company letterhead stating that the company wants to apply for a BRNC for the Company
- A Company letterhead on which the company must nominate a proxy and representative for the company, the proxy and representative must sign and agree on the letterhead
- Complete and bring along ABR - application and notice of Business Register Number
- Affidavit complete at each Cathy's office
If you currently have a vehicle registered into a Company Name your application will be for a Duplicate BRNC and your current BRNC Number will be on your vehicles RC1 (Registration Certificate of your vehicle).
- Clear copy of Company Proxy identity document (needs to be the original size)
- Proof of Company address (utility bill or Bank Statement) not older than 3 months
- If the utility bill is not in your name, the owner of the bill must make an affidavit declaring that you live at the address and the utility bill must be attached to the affidavit.
- If the company is on home premises a company letterhead must be attached stating the owners of said premises along with their identity document copy and proof of address
- Certificate of Incorporation (CIPC Company Registration) CK1 or CK2 or COR39
- SARS Document confirming VAT number of the Company
- Company letterhead stating that the company wants to apply for a Duplicate of the BRN-Certificate
- Copy of BRNC – if the company has one
- Complete and bring along ABR - application and notice of Business Register Number
- Complete and bring along DCT - Declaration in respect of lost documents Form
- Affidavit complete at each Cathy's office
When do I need to apply for a BRNC?
- Only when you register a vehicle in your business name for the first time
Without a BRN-Certificate, your vehicle cannot be registered in the business name. This certificate is only applicable for businesses with CK1 or CK2 CIPRO documents. CK1 document refers to businesses with the “Pty (Ltd)” description in the business name. CK2 document refers to businesses with a “CC” description in the business name.
If your business classifies as one of the following, you do not need a BRN-Certificate, but rather a Traffic Register Number (TRN). Traffic Register Numbers are explained on this page.
- Foreigners;
- Business serving as a non-legal person;
- Partnership;
- One-man business;
- Municipal/Provincial/Government Authority;
- Church/Congregation/Welfare organization;
- Recreational organization;
- Educational organization
- A Trust or Statutory Body
BRN-Certificates are done by Cathy’s at all our branches; Roodepoort, Fairland and Wilro Park. Kindly bring the documentation listed above to apply for a BRN-Certificate.
We hope to see you soon!
What does a BRN Certificate cost?
- R 500.00 Cathy's Admin fee for first time registrations (JHB)
- R 500.00 Cathy's Admin fee for duplicate BRNC (JHB)
- R 1 000.00 Cathy's Admin fee for Pretoria registrations & duplicate BRNC
- Full-Service turnaround time: 4 days
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